
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 16, Top 5 Wednesday

This weekly book meme officiated in November 2013. Every week there is a new topic and your list of 5 nominates will be based off this topic. For further information check out the Goodreads Page.

The theme this week is: Favorite Publishers

I actually never pay attention to the publisher. The book cover and size are more important to me. So I needed to check my library to see if there is any tendencies and I found some. So most of the boos in my library are from the below publishers.

1. Penguin Books

         The only publisher I new before this meme. Originally British publisher is now world known for its inexpensive paperback and wide variety of choice from modern bestsellers to classics and education books.

2. HarperCollins publishing house

     An old American publishing house starts launched a new mass market paperback line. It was known as Harper Paperbacks from 1990 to 2000, HarperTorch from 2000 to 2006, and Harper from 2007 to the present. that is why have some books from HarperTorchand some from Harper only.

3. Doubleday

      Another American publishing company was the largest in the United States by 1947. It published the work of mostly U.S. authors. Now of cause it is not only U.S. authors.


     Azbuka (eng. Alphabet) is one of the biggest Russian publishing company based in St. Petersburg. It publishes mostly Russian and world classical literature, modern world fiction literature, children books and illustrated dictionaries and reference books in history and art.

5. Эксмо-Пресс

     Eksmo is one of the largest publishing houses in Russia. Eksmo and its rival AST together publish approximately 30% of all Russian books. Established in 1991 as a small book-selling company, Eksmo gradually developed into a major player in the Russian market.

1 comment:

  1. Penguin is also one of my favorites, although usually I only buy classics from it since it has a wide selection of it :)

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress
