
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 22, Top Ten Tuesday

       Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Visit their blog for more details on how to participate. Each week they will post a new Top Ten list on specific topic.

Topic: Thanksgiving freebie -- tell us what you are thankful for! Books you are thankful for! 
I have decided to stay in the book theme and dedicate my thanks to books mostly.

1. I am thankful for the creation of a printing machine which took the books from the privileged clerical circle and made them available to  the mass public.

 2. I am thankful that there was such a writer as Jane Austen and that she wrote Pride and Prejudice, the book that gives a lot life lessons.

 3. I am thankful for the creation of the Internet, which is in most of the cases stealing our time, but at the  same time helps to broad you horizons, help to find people who shares your interests and helps you to express yourself.

4. I am thankful that there are so many cozy coffee shops, where you can relax with a book and drink a cup of hot chocolate while it is raining outside.

5. I am thankful to my parents who taught me how to love a good book; who monitored and influenced my reading preferences.

 6. I am thankful to Shakespeare for "The Taming of the Shrew" which was my inspiration in so many ways

7. I am thankful that there are libraries in the world which is an endless sourсe of inspiration, when you are out of ideas and feel down.

8. I am also thankful to Charlotte Brontë for Jane Eyer as this is a timeless creation and teaches how love can be difficult.

9. I am thankful for the opportunity to live and breathe to enjoy the beauty around and gorgeousness around.

 10. I am thankful to most classical authors for leaving us the part of their soul, the picture of the life people had and passions they endure, so we can connect to those through centuries.

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