
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

T5W, November 23 , Books I Want to Re-Read

This weekly book meme officiated in November 2013. Every week there is a new topic and your list of 5 nominates will be based off this topic. For further information check out the Goodreads Page.

The theme this week is: Books I Want to Re-Read

1. Harry Potter series.
 This might be really silly, but I want to read the whole series all over again. Taking in consideration that I have already read all the books in 3 languages! But it is so interesting to compare different translations of the favorite story. Challenge your own memory and try to predict next move or phrase. Refresh long forgotten secondary character.

2. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I am afraid that when I was reading a book I was looking for a happy ending or at least some improvement. That is why at the end the book seemed to me disappointing and depressing. I believe if I re-read it now without any additional expectation or set up I would be able to dive deeper into the events and characters of the book.

3. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
 When I first read this masterpiece, I was too young. Not too young to read it to the end and enjoy it, but I guess too young to grasp the built-in philosophy. It is like peeling: you get off layer by layer as you read and get deeper and deeper in narration, the unnecessary layers go away (people, events, doubts)  slowly bringing you to the understanding of the soul movement, motivation and striving of people. 
They say you need to read War and Peace 3 times: when you are young, when you are grown-up and when you are old and you will always find something new and useful for yourself. I tend to agree with this point of view as I always thought that since I read the book I know it all. And now thinking more often about it, I have my doubts and I am not so sure about the motivation and reasoning of this or that character anymore. So this is a definite re-read to me.

4. Gentlemen and Players by Joanne Harris 
I strongly believe that might be the best book of Joanne Harris. This book was an absolute delight from start to finish. This is a brilliant psychological thriller set up in a chess game format. Joanne Harris as usual has such unique and unusual characters. They are so full of colors and so real.
After I read the library book I had a strong impulse to re-read it straight away. Of course I did not do so, but instead I bought a nice hardcover copy and keep it now for a proper time to read.

5. Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini 

This book is just the list of my most favorite: this is my favorite love story, this is my favorite revenge story, this is my favorite pirate story, and this is my all-time favorite hero and the best fiction marine adventures I have ever read. So I re-read the whole book or even small passages from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. Tolstoj is one of my favorite authors and I really need to read War and Peace it has been sitting on my shelf far to long.

    Feel free to check out my list:
